In India, cluster bean (Guar) is traditionally used as a vegetable or animal feed, but recently the cultivation of this has assumed significance. Which one of the following statements is correct in this context?
(a) The oil extracted from seeds is used in the manufacture of biodegradable plastics
(b) The gum made from its seeds is used in the extraction of shale gas
(c) The leaf extract of this plant has the properties of anti-histamines
(d) It is a source of high quality biodiesel
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Cluster bean (Guar) is known for its gum-producing properties. The gum extracted from its seeds, known as guar gum, has various industrial applications, including its use in the extraction of shale gas. Guar gum is used as a thickening agent in hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations to improve the efficiency of shale gas extraction.