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Consider the following statements regarding the Indian squirrels:

1. They build nests by making burrows in the ground.
2. They store their food materials like nuts and seeds in the ground.
3. They are omnivorous.

How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None



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Indian squirrels are known to create burrows in the ground as nests for shelter and storage purposes. These burrows serve as safe spaces for them to rest, hide, and store food.

Squirrels have a behavior called caching, where they hide and store food for future use. Indian squirrels often bury nuts and seeds in the ground as a way to store them for times when food may be scarce. They have excellent memory and can locate these hidden food reserves when needed.

While Indian squirrels primarily feed on nuts and fruits, they have a diverse diet. They are known to eat a variety of food items, including seeds, insects, small mammals and reptiles, eggs, and even bird chicks. This omnivorous diet allows them to adapt to different food sources available in their habitats.


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