It is the term used to characterize a dormant or slowed-down period of activity in reptiles, akin to mammal hibernation.
It usually happens in the winter, when it gets colder outside and food gets scarce.
Reptiles may withdraw to underground burrows, rock crevices, or other protected locations during brumation when temperatures are comparatively more steady.
They can go for weeks or even months without eating because of the considerable slowdown in their metabolism.
Reptiles are able to minimize their resource requirements and conserve energy during this phase of decreased activity.
These species, which burrow into the mud at the bottom of ponds or lakes, include painted and box turtles. While lizards may conceal themselves behind rocks or among foliage, snakes may take sanctuary in caverns or underground burrows.
Brumation: What Is It?
Reptiles are hibernating during this time.
This procedure is comparable to a mammal's hibernation.
Depending on the reptile's species, age, and gender, this process takes different amounts of time. Generally speaking, men emerge from dormancy earlier than females.
In this time frame, reptiles might
Slow-moving reptiles: Their bodies conserve energy for the winter by working less.
Eat less and sleep more: For a few weeks, they don't eat or poop much at all They tend to stay in the area that is the coldest and darkest and move around less.
In order to stay hydrated, they occasionally go outside and sip water.
Long nap: They're calm and still, but not quite sleeping.
Brumation is their survival strategy during the chilly months when food may be in short supply.
What causes brumation?
In order to preserve energy and endure these unfavorable environmental circumstances, reptiles go into a state called brumation.
For reptiles to tolerate harsh weather and survive in frigid climates until they can reappear to feed and breed in more hospitable environments, they must burrow.
Why Do Reptiles Bite Each Other?
Inability to regulate body temperature: During the winter season, reptiles tend to take extended naps, or bruises, because to their inability to regulate body temperature.
Accept the Environment: In order to avoid the cold and a shortage of food and water, they brumate.
Aestivation against Brumation versus Hibernation
Animals | Hibernation (Endothermic Animals) | Brumation (Ectothermic Animals) | Aestivation |
Consumption of food | In Hibernation, animals don’t stop eating before entering inactivity | In Brumation, animals stop eating before entering inactivity | In aestivation, animals stop feeding. |
Dormancy state | It is a state of dormancy in warm-blooded animals, | It is a state of dormancy in cold – blooded animals. | This process takes place in cold – blooded animals. |
Activity Level | Completely inactive; no eating, drinking, or movement | May become partially active on warmer days | Animals become inactive in the summer season. |
Metabolic Rate | metabolic rate goes down but is still active | Slowed, but not as significantly as in hibernation | metabolic activity gets low due to seeking shelter in cool underground burrow. |
Examples | Bears, bats, groundhogs | Snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs | snails, lungfish, Desert tortoises |
Regulation of Body Temperature | Internal | External (rely on environment) | External (rely on environment) |
Brumation serves as a vital survival strategy for reptiles during winter, akin to mammalian hibernation. This period of slowed-down activity allows them to conserve energy, endure harsh environmental conditions, and cope with food scarcity. The process varies among species, genders, and ages, with males typically emerging earlier. Reptiles in brumation regulate their body temperature poorly, leading to extended naps. This adaptive behavior enables them to wait out the cold months, emerging later to feed and breed in more hospitable environments. Brumation, distinct from aestivation and hibernation,
showcases reptiles' remarkable ability to adapt to challenging seasonal conditions.
News Source: TheHindu
Note for UPSC Aspirants: For UPSC aspirants interested in exploring further, here are some keywords to guide your research:brumation, reptiles, survival strategy, conserve energy, winter, endure harsh conditions, adaptation